It was developed during 2001 and show cases the technologies developed at the Institute. The information presented in the museum consists of particulars about IIOR, World scenario of oilseeds, Indian oilseeds Scenario, Castor Production Technologies, Sunflower Production Technologies, tree borne oilseeds, biotechnology, micro-biology and transfer of technology besides Annual progressive reports, training manuals, symposia/seminar books, castor, sunflower and safflower yearly progressive reports, books, bulletins, pamphlets. The standing boxes contain the specimens and varieties and hybrids of castor, sunflower and safflower. The charts containing figures are being updated at a regular interval. On an average, every year it will be visited by more than 1600 visitors consists of farm students, foreign delegates, farmers, trainee participants from various institutes. The colour photos depicting cultivars, diseases, insect pests, etc. are also displayed.