
  1. Release of funds to Linseed centres under AICRP for the year 2016-17
  2. Sunflower & Safflower and Castor funds release towards 1st half for the year 2016-17
  3. Sesame & Niger first half funds release for the year 2016-17
  4. Linseed (second lot) funds release for the year 2016-17
  5. Koenjhar (Linseed)  funds released  for the year 2016-17
  6. Sunflower, Safflower & Castor funder release  (2nd lot) for the year 2016-17
  7. S&N (2nd lot) funds released for the year 2016-17
  8. Sunflower, Safflower & Castor funder release  (3rd lot) for the year 2016-17 
  9. S&N (3rd  lot) funds released for the year 2016
  10. TSP releases to Nimpith, Yethapur and Palem under (SSC) for the year 2016
  11. Linseed (4th lot) funds released for the year 2016-17 
  12. Linseed (5th Lot release of funds under AICRP for the  year 2016-17
  13. 4th Lot release of AICRP on S&N for the year 2016-17
  14. Oilseeds 4th lot release P7A only towards 2nd half grants for the year 2016-17
  15. Second half/final release of funds under AICRP(Sunflower) for the year 2016-17
  16. Second half/final release of funds under AICRP(Safflower) for the year 2016-17
  17. Final release of funds in respect of TSP under AICRP (Sunflower, Safflower and Castor) for the year 2016-17
  18. Final Second half release of funds under AICRP (CASTOR) for the year 2016-17
  19. Sesame & Niger Final/Second half release for 2016-17
  20. Final/Second half release of funds under AICRP (Linseed) for the year 2016-17
  21. TSP(Oilseeds) final release for the year 2016-17
  22. Released of funds under Need Based Research (Castor) for the year 2016-17
  23. Released of funds under Need Based Research (Sunflower) for the year 2016-17
  24. Released of funds under Need Based Research (Safflower) for the year 2016-17