Sunflower cultivars



Year of release 1980
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre,
University of Agricultural Sciences,
Recommended ecology All Sunflower growing states
Seed yield (kg/ha) Average : 1000-1200
Potential : 1500-1800
Days to maturity Kharif : 85-90
Rabi : 90-95
Oil Content(%) 38-39
Days to maturity Kharif : 85-90
Rabi : 90-95
Days to flowering Kharif : 58-60
Rabi : 60-62
Plant height (cm) 130-145
Head Diameter (cm) 13-15
100 seed weight (g) 5.0
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 42.5
Hull content (%) 28-30



Sunflower Hybrid CO-2
Year of release 1986
Notification number 867(E), 26-11-1986
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Pedigree Derivative of multiple cross of Russian origin
Recommended ecology Tamil Nadu
Seed yield (kg/ha) Average : Rainfed : 800-1000, Irrigated : 1200 - 1600
Potential: Rainfed : 1400 - 1600, Irrigated : 1500 - 1800
Oil Content(%) 36-38
Days to maturity 80-85
Days to flowering 50-55
Plant height (cm) 130-135
Head Diameter (cm) 15-17
100 seed weight (g) 4.0-4.5
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 32.5
Hull content (%) 29-31


COH-3 (CSFH-12205)

Sunflower Hybrid COH-3
Year of release 2018
Notification number 1379(E), 27-03-2018
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Pedigree COSF-6A x IR-6
Recommended ecology Tamil Nadu
Seed yield (kg/ha) Average : Irrigated : 2280
Potential: Irrigated : 2410
Oil Content(%) 42
Days to maturity Kharif : 92-95
Rabi : 90-95
Days to flowering -
Plant height (cm) 160-170
Head Diameter (cm) 18-20
100 seed weight (g) 5.2
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 47
Hull content (%) 26-28


DRSH-1 (PCSH-243)

Sunflower Hybrid DRSH-1
Year of release 2005
Notification number 599(E), 25-04-2006
Developed by Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research,
Pedigree ARM-243A x RHA-6D-1
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
All states, rabi-summer, irrigated and
rainfed areas
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1200-1500
Potential 2000-2500
Oil Content(%) 40-44
Days to maturity
Kharif 95-98
Rabi 100-105
Days to flowering
Kharif 60-65
Rabi 70-75
Plant height (cm) 160-170
Head Diameter (cm) 15-16
100 seed weight (g) 5.0-5.5
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 44-45
Hull content (%) 28-30



Sunflower Hybrid DSFH-3
Year of release 2018
Developed by University of Agricultural Sciences,
Krishi Nagar
Pedigree CMS-234A x RHA-IV-77
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Zone 3 and 8 of Karnataka
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1800-2000
Potential 2000-2500
Oil Content(%) 37-39
Days to maturity 90-95 (Kharif)
Days to flowering 52-55 (Kharif)
Plant height (cm) 170-180
Head Diameter (cm) 15.2
100 seed weight (g) 5.4
Volume weight (g/100 ml)  
Hull content (%)  


DSH-1 (DSH-4)

Sunflower Hybrid DSH-1
Year of release 1997
Notification number 401(E), 15-02-1998
Developed by Main Oilseeds Research Station,
University of Agricultural Sciences,
Pedigree DSF-15 A X RHA-857
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Zone 2 and 3 of Karnataka
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1200-1500
Potential 1600-2000
Oil Content(%) 36-39
Days to maturity
Kharif 85
Rabi 87
Days to flowering
Kharif 55
Rabi 57
Plant height (cm) 140-150
Head Diameter (cm) 15-18
100 seed weight (g) 4.0-5.0
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 36
Hull content (%) 28-30



Sunflower Hybrid HSFH-848
Year of release 2005
Notification number 1566(E), 05-11-2005
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre,
Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana
Agricultural University, Hisar
Pedigree CMS-91A x RHA-298
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Spring areas of Haryana
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1500-2000
Potential 2500-3000
Oil Content(%) 38-42
Days to maturity 95-100
Days to flowering 65-70
Plant height (cm) 165
Head Diameter (cm) 18
100 seed weight (g) 4.8
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 42-45
Hull content (%) 28-32



Sunflower Hybrid KBSH-1
Year of release 1992
Notification number 814(E), 04-11-1992
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
University of Agricultural Sciences
Pedigree CMS-234 A x RHA-6D-1
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
All Sunflower growing states
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1300-1500
Potential 2000-2500
Oil Content(%) 42-44
Days to maturity
Kharif 90-92
Rabi 92-95
Days to flowering
Kharif 60-62
Rabi 62-64
Plant height (cm) 160-175
Head Diameter (cm) 15-17
100 seed weight (g) 5.4
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 48.8
Hull content (%) 22-25



Sunflower Hybrid KBSH-41
Year of release 2001
Notification number 122(E), 02-02-2005
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
University of Agricultural Sciences
Pedigree CMS-234 A x RHA-95C-1
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1400-1600
Potential 2000-2500
Oil Content(%) 40-42
Days to maturity
Kharif 90-92
Rabi 90-95
Days to flowering
Kharif 60-62
Rabi 62-64
Plant height (cm) 170-200
Head Diameter (cm) 16-18
100 seed weight (g) 5.7
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 49.4
Hull content (%) 28-30



Sunflower Hybrid KBSH-42
Year of release 2001
Notification number 122(E), 02-02-2005
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
University of Agricultural Sciences
Pedigree CMS-851 A x RHA-95C-1
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1400-1600
Potential 2000-2500
Oil Content(%) 39-41
Days to maturity
Kharif 88-90
Rabi 90-92
Days to flowering
Kharif 58-60
Rabi 60-62
Plant height (cm) 160-170
Head Diameter (cm) 19-21
100 seed weight (g) 3.7
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 45.6
Hull content (%) 28-30



Sunflower Hybrid KBSH-44
Year of release 2002
Notification number 100(E), 28-01-2003
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
University of Agricultural Sciences
Pedigree CMS-17A x RHA-95C-1
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
All Sunflower growing states
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1500-1800
Potential 2200-2800
Oil Content(%) 36-38
Days to maturity
Kharif 90-95
Rabi 95-100
Days to flowering
Kharif 60-65
Rabi 64-66
Plant height (cm) 165-175
Head Diameter (cm) 19-21
100 seed weight (g) 4.3
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 50.9
Hull content (%) 32-34



Sunflower Hybrid KBSH-53
Year of release 2008
Notification number 2187(E), 27-08-2009
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) Centre
University of Agricultural Sciences
Pedigree CMS-335A x RHA-95C-1
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average Rainfed : 1000
Irrigated : 2200
Potential Rainfed : 2000
Irrigated : 2700
Oil Content(%) 40-42
Days to maturity
Kharif 95-100
Rabi 95-100
Days to flowering
Plant height (cm) 180-190
Head Diameter (cm) 14-16
100 seed weight (g) 4.0-5.0
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 42-46
Hull content (%) 31



Sunflower Hybrid KBSH-78
Year of release 2018
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) Centre
University of Agricultural Sciences
Pedigree CMS-1103A x RHA-92
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Zone 5 of Karnataka
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average Rainfed : 1000-1200
Irrigated : 1700-2300
Potential 2536
Oil Content(%) 39-41
Days to maturity
Kharif 82-85
Rabi 82-85
Days to flowering
Plant height (cm) 155-160
Head Diameter (cm) 15.4
100 seed weight (g) 5.5
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 46.3
Hull content (%) 24.6


KSFH-437(Phule Raviraj)

Sunflower Hybrid KSFH-437
Year of release 2009
Developed by Agriculture Research Station, Savalvihir, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri 
Pedigree CMS-17A x R-437
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Western Maharashtra 
Seed yield (kg/ha) Average: 1800-2000
Oil Content(%) 34
Days to maturity 90-95
Days to flowering 56
Plant height (cm) 175-185
Head Diameter (cm) 15.9
100 seed weight (g) 5.7



Sunflower Hybrid LSFH-35
Year of release 2003
Notification number 72(E), 10-01-2008
Developed by Oilseeds Research Station, Latur,
Marathwada Agricultural University,
Pedigree CMS-234A x RHA-1-1
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Maharashtra, Kharif/Rabi (rainfed)
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1200-1600
Potential 2000-2400
Oil Content(%) 36-40
Days to maturity
Kharif 95
Rabi 100
Days to flowering
Kharif 55
Rabi 60
Plant height (cm) 140-170
Head Diameter (cm) 15
100 seed weight (g) 5.5
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 44
Hull content (%) 28-32



 Sunflower Hybrid LSFH-1
Year of release 2016
Notification number 1379(E), 27-03-2018
Developed by Oilseeds Research Station, Latur,
Marathwada Agricultural University
Pedigree CMS-17A x RHA-1-1
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh,
Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, West
Bengal, Telangana, Bihar and
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average Rainfed : 1800-1900
Potential Irrigated : 2000-2400
Oil Content(%) 34-35
Days to maturity
Kharif 90-95
Rabi 95-100
Days to flowering
Kharif 55-60
Rabi 60-65
Plant height (cm) 165-175
Head Diameter (cm) 15-20
100 seed weight (g) 6.0-7.0
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 38-44
Hull content (%) 33-36



Year of release 1990
Notification number 793(E), 22-11-1991
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
Oilseeds Research Station, Latur
Marathwada Agricultural University
Pedigree CMS 338A x MRHA-II
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Maharashtra, kharif/rabi (rainfed)
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 800-1000
Potential 1200-1400
Oil Content(%) 34-36
Days to maturity
Kharif 80-85
Rabi 85-90
Days to flowering
Kharif 45
Rabi 50
Plant height (cm) 130-135
Head Diameter (cm) 14
100 seed weight (g) 5.0
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 41
Hull content (%) 30



Year of release 1990
Notification number 793(E), 22-11-1991
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
Oilseeds Research Station, Latur
Marathwada Agricultural University
Pedigree     CMS-207A X MRHA-1
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Maharashtra, kharif/rabi
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1100-1400
Potential 1600-2200
Oil Content(%) 35-38
Days to maturity
Kharif 95
Rabi 98
Days to flowering
Kharif 50
Rabi 55
Plant height (cm) 140-150
Head Diameter (cm) 15
100 seed weight (g) 5.5
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 42
Hull content (%) 28-32



Sunflower Hybrid NDSH-1
Year of release 2002
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Nandyal
Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University
Pedigree CMS-234A x RHA-859
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Southern Rayalaseema, North Telangana in Andhra Pradesh
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1200-1600
Potential 1800-2400
Oil Content(%) 40-43
Days to maturity
Kharif 85
Rabi 92
Days to flowering
Kharif 49
Rabi 55
Plant height (cm) 120-140
Head Diameter (cm) 15-17
100 seed weight (g) 4.0-5.0
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 45-50
Hull content (%) 25-30



Sunflower Hybrid NDSH-1012
Year of release 2016
Notification number 1007(E), 30-03-2017
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) Centre
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Nandyal
Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University
Pedigree NDCMS-30A x R-843
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Recommended for cultivation in
Andhra Pradesh under irrigated as well
as rainfed situations
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1000-1200
Potential Rainfed : 1500-2000
Irrigated : 2000-2500
Oil Content(%) 40-41
Days to maturity
Kharif 90-95
Rabi 90-95
Days to flowering
Kharif 50-55
Rabi 50-55
Plant height (cm) 140-170
Head Diameter (cm) 14-16
100 seed weight (g) 4.0-5.0
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 38-42
Hull content (%) 32-35



Sunflower Hybrid PDKVSH-952
Year of release 2016
Notification number 2805(E), 25-08-2017
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) Centre
Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi
Pedigree CMS-302A x AKSF-6R
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Vidarbha Region of Maharashtra
Seed yield (kg/ha) Average : 1800-2000
Oil Content(%) 36.8
Days to maturity 90 (Kharif)
Days to flowering 60 (Kharif)
Plant height (cm) 148
Head Diameter (cm) 14.5
100 seed weight (g) 5.1
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 41.8
Hull content (%) 31



Sunflower Hybrid PKVSH-27
Year of release 1996
Notification number 1 (E), 01-01-1996
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Krishi
Vishwa Vidyalaya
Pedigree CMS-2A x AK-1R
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Vidarbha region of Maharashtra
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1300-1600
Potential 1800-2200
Oil Content(%) 38-40
Days to maturity
Kharif 80
Rabi 85
Days to flowering
Kharif 50
Rabi 52
Plant height (cm) 135-140
Head Diameter (cm) 15
100 seed weight (g) 3.5-4.0
Hull content (%) 25-28



Sunflower Hybrid PSFH-118
Year of release 2004
Notification number 161(E), 04-02-2004
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
Punjab Agricultural University
Pedigree CMS-10A x P-61-R
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Spring areas of Punjab
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1500-2000
Potential 2400-2800
Oil Content(%) 38-41
Days to maturity 92-95
Days to flowering 65-68
Plant height (cm) 140-145
Head Diameter (cm) 18
100 seed weight (g) 4.5-4.7
Hull content (%) 35



Sunflower Hybrid PSH-996
Year of release 2012
Notification number 112(E), 12-01-2016
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
Punjab Agricultural University
Pedigree CMS-11A x P-93 R
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Punjab state during spring season under
irrigated conditions
Seed yield (kg/ha) Average  : 1951
Potential : 2520
Oil Content(%) 35.8
Days to maturity Spring : 92-98
Days to flowering Spring : 65-70
Plant height (cm) 141
Head Diameter (cm) 14.1
100 seed weight (g) 6.8
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 36.0



Sunflower hybrid PSH-1962
Year of release 2015
Notification number 3540(E), 22-11-2016
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
Punjab Agricultural University
Pedigree CMS-67A x P-93 R
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Punjab state during spring season under
irrigated conditions
Seed yield (kg/ha) Average  : 2054
Potential : 2370
Oil Content(%) 41.9
Days to maturity Spring : 99
Days to flowering Spring : 69
Plant height (cm) 165
Head Diameter (cm) 15.5
100 seed weight (g) 6.4
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 38.1


RSFH-1 (Tunga)

Sunflower Hybrid RSFH-1
Year of release 2005
Notification number 2458(E), 16-10-2008
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) Centre
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Raichur
University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur
Pedigree CMS-103A x R-64NB
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
North-Eastern dry zones of Karnataka
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1200-1800
Potential 2000-2800
Oil Content(%) 38-41
Days to maturity
Kharif 90-95
Rabi 95-100
Days to flowering
Kharif 58-62
Rabi 58-62
Plant height (cm) 150-160
Head Diameter (cm) 15-25
100 seed weight (g) 4.5-5.0
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 42-44
Hull content (%) 28-30


RSFH-130 (Bhadra)

Sunflower Hybrid RSFH-130
Year of release 2008
Notification number 1708(E), 26-07-2012
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
University of Agricultural Sciences
Pedigree CMS-104A x R-630
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Zone 2 of Karnataka
Seed yield (kg/ha) Average  : 1200-1500
Potential : 1800-2000
Oil Content(%) 39-42
Days to maturity Kharif : 95-100
Days to flowering Kharif  : 60-65
Plant height (cm) 165-170
Head Diameter (cm) 16-20
100 seed weight (g) 5.0-5.5
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 43-45
Hull content (%) 29-30



Sunflower hybrid RSFH-1887
Year of release 2016
Notification number 3540(E), 22-11-2016
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
University of Agricultural Sciences
Pedigree CMS-38A x R-127-1
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Zone 1 and 2 of Karnataka
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1200-1600
Potential 1800-2500
Oil Content(%) 38-40
Days to maturity
Kharif 95-100
Days to flowering
Kharif 58-62
Plant height (cm) 175-190
Head Diameter (cm) 17-21
100 seed weight (g) 5.4-5.6
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 38-40
Hull content (%) 27-29


TCSH-1 (TNSH9522)

Sunflower Hybrid TCSH-1
Year of release 2000
Notification number 821(E), 13-09-2000
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
Tamil Nadu Agriculture University
Pedigree CMS-234A x RHA-272
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Tamil Nadu
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average Rainfed : 1200-1600
Irrigated : 1500-1900
Potential Rainfed : 1800-2000
Irrigated : 2200-2400
Oil Content(%) 38-40
Days to maturity 85-90
Days to flowering 50-55
Plant height (cm) 145-165
Head Diameter (cm) 14.5-16.0
100 seed weight (g) 4.2-4.8
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 36-40
Hull content (%) 22-28



Sunflower hybrid-PSH-2080
Year of release 2019
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) Centre
Punjab Agricultural University
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Punjab State
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Potential 2441
Oil Content(%) 43.7
Days to maturity 95-97
Days to flowering 65-67
Plant height (cm) 145-150
Head Diameter (cm) 13.8
100 seed weight (g) 5.8
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 39.0



Year of release 2021
Notification number S.O. 8(E), dated 24-12-2021
Developed by University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru
Pedigree CMS-903A x GKVK-756
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Telangana
Seed yield (kg/ha) 1600-2200
Oil Content(%) 35-37
Days to maturity 91-95 days
Days to flowering 59-61 days
Plant height (cm) 175-185
Head Diameter (cm) 14.0-15.6
100 seed weight (g) 4.5-4.9
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 36.0-39.6
Special features Resistant to downy mildew disease and moderately resistant to leafhoppers 



Year of release 2021
Notification number S.O. 8(E), dated 24-12-2021
Developed by ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030
Pedigree ARM-243A x RGP-100
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Uttarakhand and Jammu & Kashmir, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Telangana
Seed yield (kg/ha) 1648-2411
Oil Content(%) 36.2-41.0
Days to maturity 92-96 days
Days to flowering 62-64 days
Plant height (cm) 181-196
Head Diameter (cm) 15-5-16.0
100 seed weight (g) 5.0-5.7
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 41.2-44.4
Special features Resistant to downy mildew disease and moderately resistant to leafhoppers



Year of release 2022
Notification number S.O. 1056(E), dated 06-03-2023
Developed by University Agricultural Sciences, Raichur
Pedigree CMS-38A x RGM-49
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Zone-1,2 and 3 of Karnataka
Seed yield (kg/ha) 1893-2434
Oil Content(%) 38-40
Days to maturity 90-95 days
Days to flowering 57-60 days
Plant height (cm) 160-170
Head Diameter (cm) 15-17
100 seed weight (g) 4.5-6.0
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 43-45
Special features Tolerant to viral sunflower necrosis disease, Alternaria blight and Powdery mildew diseases



Year of release 2023
Notification number S.O. 4222(E), dated 25-09-2023
Developed by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore
Pedigree COSF 12A x IR6
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Tamil Nadu
Seed yield (kg/ha) 1800-2200 
Oil Content(%) 40-42
Days to maturity 90-95 days
Days to flowering 55-59 days
Plant height (cm) 165-175
Head Diameter (cm) 18-20
100 seed weight (g) 5.2-5.6
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 45-47
Special features Moderately resistant to powdery mildew, Alternaria leaf blight and sucking pest and leaf feeders



Year of release 2024
Notification number S.O. 1560(E), dated 26-03-2024
Developed by University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru
Pedigree CMS-1103A x GKVK-763
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Uttarakhand and Jammu & Kashmir, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Telangana 
Seed yield (kg/ha)  
Oil Content(%) 34.8-36.1
Days to maturity 86-88 days
Days to flowering 54-56 days
Plant height (cm) 142-154
Head Diameter (cm) 15.4-16.2
100 seed weight (g) 4.7-5.1
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 40-41
Special features Resistant to downy mildew disease and moderately resistant to leafhoppers 



Year of release 2024
Notification number S.O. 4388(E), 08-10-2024
Developed by Oilseeds Research Centre, Dr. PDKV, Akola, Maharashtra
Pedigree ARM-249A x AKSF-14R
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Seed yield (kg/ha) 1750-2000
Oil Content(%) 39.3
Days to maturity 89-90 days
Days to flowering 55-56 days
Plant height (cm) 153-171
Head Diameter (cm) 15.0-16.3
100 seed weight (g) 5.7-6.0
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 40-43.4
Special features Moderately resistant to Alternaria leaf spot and leafhopper



Year of release 2024
Notification number S.O. 1560(E), dated 26-03-2024
Developed by ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030 
Pedigree ARM-243A x RGP-304
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Telangana 
Seed yield (kg/ha) 1519-1657
Oil Content(%) 37.0-40.0
Days to maturity 89-91 days
Days to flowering 57-60 days
Plant height (cm) 173-179
Head Diameter (cm) 15.3-16.7
100 seed weight (g) 5.0-5.3
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 40.5-42.0
Special features Resistant to downy mildew disease and moderately resistant to leafhoppers 



Sunflower variety Bhanu
Year of release 2010
Notification number 3540 (E), 24-11-2016
Developed by Zonal Agricultural Research Station,
Solapur, Mahatma Phule Krishi
Vidyapeeth, Rahuri
Pedigree Selection from gene pool
Recommended ecology Maharashtra
Seed yield (kg/ha) Average : 1600-1800
Oil Content(%) 37-39
Days to maturity Kharif : 80-85
Days to flowering Kharif : 53-57
Plant height (cm) 165-170
Head Diameter (cm) 16-20
100 seed weight (g) 4.5-5.5
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 42-44
Hull content (%) 24-26



Year of release 1983
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Pedigree Pure line selection from Cerenianka 66
Recommended ecology Tamil Nadu
Seed yield (kg/ha) Average : Rainfed : 600 -900, Irrigated : 800 – 1000
Potential: Rainfed : 1000 -1300, Irrigated : 1300 – 1500
Oil Content(%) 35-38
Days to maturity 65-70
Days to flowering 45-50
Plant height (cm) 60-70
Head Diameter (cm) 8-10
100 seed weight (g) 4.0-4.5
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 30
Hull content (%) 28-32



Year of release 2010
Notification number 1708(E), 26-07-2012
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Pedigree COSF-1A x CSFI-99
Recommended ecology Tamil Nadu
Seed yield (kg/ha) Average : Kharif : 1800, Rabi/Summer : 2150
Potential: Kharif : 1950, Rabi/Summer : 2230
Oil Content(%) 38-40
Days to maturity 85-90
Days to flowering 50-55
Plant height (cm) 160-175
Head Diameter (cm) 17-19
100 seed weight (g) 5.0-5.5
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 45-48
Hull content (%) 26-28



Sunflower variety CO-3
Year of release 1995
Notification number 360(E), 01-05-1997
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Pedigree Mutant from CO2 (5 KR of gamma rays)
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Tamil Nadu
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average Rainfed : 1000-1200
Irrigated : 1300-1600
Potential Rainfed : 1300-1600
Irrigated : 1500-1800
Oil Content(%) 36-39
Days to maturity 85-90
Days to flowering 50-55
Plant height (cm) 145-175
Head Diameter (cm) 13-16
100 seed weight (g) 5.0-6.0
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 33.5
Hull content (%) 27-30



Year of release 1995
Notification number 408(E), 04-05-1995
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Pedigree Derivative of Dwarf x Surya
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
All states of India
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average Rainfed : 1000-1200
Irrigated : 1300-1700
Potential Rainfed : 1300-1600
Irrigated : 1500-1900
Oil Content(%) 38-41
Days to maturity 85-90
Days to flowering 55-60
Plant height (cm) 145-165
Head Diameter (cm) 15-16
100 seed weight (g) 5.0-5.5
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 35.5
Hull content (%) 28-30


COSFV-5 (CO-5)

Sunflower variety CO-5
Year of release 2005
Notification number 1178(E), 20-07-2007
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Pedigree Gene pool Helianthus annus x H.praecox    
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Tamil Nadu
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average Rainfed : 1000-1300
Irrigated : 1400-1700
Potential Rainfed : 1300-1700
Irrigated : 1500-2000
Oil Content(%) 39-42
Days to maturity 85-90
Days to flowering 50-55
Plant height (cm) 145-165
Head Diameter (cm) 13-14
100 seed weight (g) 4.8-5.0
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 45-48
Hull content (%) 26-30



Sunflower variety DRSF-108
Year of release 2004
Notification number 122(E), 02-02-2005
Developed by Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research
Pedigree Selection from gene pool
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Rainfed areas of all sunflower growing
states of India
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 900-1200
Potential 1500-1800
Oil Content(%) 36-39
Days to maturity
Kharif 90-95
Rabi 95-100
Days to flowering
Kharif 55-60
Rabi 60-65
Plant height (cm) 150-170
Head Diameter (cm) 15-16
100 seed weight (g) 5.0-5.5
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 40-42
Hull content (%) 27-29



Sunflower variety DRSF-113
Year of release 2007
Notification number 1703(E), 05-10-2007
Developed by Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research
Pedigree Selection from gene pool
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Rainfed areas of all sunflower growing
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 900-1000
Potential 1500-1800
Oil Content(%) 36-39
Days to maturity
Kharif 90-92
Rabi 95-98
Days to flowering
Kharif 55-60
Rabi 60-65
Plant height (cm) 150-160
Head Diameter (cm) 14-16
100 seed weight (g) 4.5-5.0
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 38-42
Hull content (%) 30-32



Year of release 1976
Notification number 2103(E), 12-08-1980
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
University of Agricultural Sciences
Pedigree Introduction, Population
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 800-1000
Potential 1400-1600
Oil Content(%) 36-39
Days to maturity
Kharif 100 - 105
Rabi 105 - 110
Days to flowering
Kharif 60 - 62
Rabi 62 - 64
Plant height (cm) 160-180
Head Diameter (cm) 14-16
100 seed weight (g) 3.5-4.0
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 38.40
Hull content (%) 30-34


Gujarat Sunflower-1(GAUSUF-15)

Sunflower variety GAUSUF-15
Year of release 1993
Notification number 408(E), 04-05-1995
Developed by

AICRP (Sunflower) centre, Amreli
Junagadh Agricultural University,

Pedigree Selection through mutation breeding
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
All states of India
Seed yield (kg/ha) Average  : 900-1200
Potential : 1500-1800
Oil Content(%) 35-39
Days to maturity 92-98
Days to flowering 58-65
Plant height (cm) 150-160
Head Diameter (cm) 13
100 seed weight (g) 5-6


Kanthi (RSFV-901)

Sunflower variety Kanthi
Year of release 2010
Notification number 1708(E), 26-07-2012
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
University of Agricultural Sciences
Pedigree Selection from a cross between H.annuus x H.argophyllus
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Zone 1 & 2 of Karnataka
Seed yield (kg/ha) Average  : 1200-1400
Potential : 1800
Oil Content(%) 39-42
Days to maturity Kharif : 90-100
Days to flowering Kharif  : 60-65
Plant height (cm) 150-180
Head Diameter (cm) 16-20
100 seed weight (g) 4.0-5.0
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 38-41
Hull content (%) 25-26



Sunflower variety LS-11
Year of release 1998
Notification number     425(E), 08-06-1999    
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
Oilseeds Research Station, Latur
Marathwada Agricultural University
Pedigree Selection from germplasm line EC-689099
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Maharashtra, kharif/rabi (rainfed)
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1000-1400
Potential 1500-1800
Oil Content(%) 36-39
Days to maturity
Kharif 80-85
Rabi 85
Days to flowering
Kharif 50
Rabi 55
Plant height (cm) 150-160
Head Diameter (cm) 15
100 seed weight (g) 5.5
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 43
Hull content (%) 30-32



Sunflower variety LSF-8
Year of release 2006
Notification number 122(E), 06-02-2007
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
Oilseeds Research Station, Latur
Marathwada Agricultural University
Pedigree Interspecific cross derivative (H.tuberosis x Morden)
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Maharashtra, kharif/rabi (rainfed)
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1000-1400
Potential 1600-1800
Oil Content(%) 36-39
Days to maturity
Kharif 90
Rabi 95
Days to flowering
Kharif 55
Rabi 60
Plant height (cm) 145
Head Diameter (cm) 15
100 seed weight (g) 5.6
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 41
Hull content (%) 28-32



Sunflower variety Morden
Year of release 1978
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
University of Agricultural Sciences
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
All sunflower growing states of
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 600-800
Potential 1200-1500
Oil Content(%) 34-35
Days to maturity
Kharif 80-82
Rabi 85-88
Days to flowering
Kharif 52-56
Rabi 54-58
Plant height (cm) 90-100
Head Diameter (cm) 13-15
100 seed weight (g) 4.5-4.8
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 35.10
Hull content (%) 32-34



Sunflower variety PKVSF-9
Year of release 1996
Notification number 1 (E), 01-01-1996
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre,
Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vishwa
Vidyalaya, Akola
Pedigree Selection from Canadian gene pool
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Vidarbha region of Maharashtra state
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1000-1300
Potential 1400-1600
Oil Content(%) 38-40
Days to maturity 82-85
Days to flowering 52
Plant height (cm) 130-140
Head Diameter (cm) 16.5
100 seed weight (g) 3.5-4.0
Hull content (%) 30-32



Sunflower variety SS-56
Year of release 1988
Notification number 636(E), 02-09-1994
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower ) centre
Mahatma Phule Agricultural University
Pedigree Selection from EC-100106
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Dryland areas of Maharashtra
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 800-1000
Potential 1400-1800
Oil Content(%) 34-36
Days to maturity 82-88
Days to flowering 53-58
Plant height (cm) 95-120
Head Diameter (cm) 10-12
100 seed weight (g) 4.5-4.8
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 38-40
Hull content (%) 27-29


SS-0808 (Phule Bhaskar)

Sunflower variety SS-0808
Year of release 2015
Notification number 3540 (E), 24-11-2016
Developed by Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Solapur
Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri
Pedigree Selection from germplasm line GP-688-1    
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Suitable for rainfed condition of
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1807
Potential 3163
Oil Content(%) 37.9
Days to maturity
Kharif 80-85
Days to flowering
Kharif 53-57
Plant height (cm) 165-170
Head Diameter (cm) 16-20
100 seed weight (g) 4.5-5.5
Volume weight (g/100 ml) 42-44
Hull content (%) 24-26


Surya (PKV-SUF-72-37)

Sunflower variety Surya
Year of release 1982
Notification number 499(E), 08-07-1983
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vishwa
Vidyalaya, Akola
Pedigree Mass selection from Latur Bulk
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1000-1200
Potential 1500-1800
Oil Content(%) 35-38
Days to maturity
Kharif 90-95
Rabi 95-100
Days to flowering
Kharif 52-55
Rabi 55-60
Plant height (cm) 135-155
Head Diameter (cm) 14-18
100 seed weight (g) 6-7
Hull content (%) 32-35




TAS-82 (TAS-82-8-1/3)

Sunflower variety TAS-82
Year of release 2006
Notification number 1703 (E), 05-10-2007
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vishwa
Vidyalaya, Akola
Pedigree Parent variety surya, mutation and selection    
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Vidarbha region of Maharashtra
Seed yield (kg/ha) Average  : 1200-1300
Potential : 1400-1800
Oil Content(%) 38-41
Days to maturity 90-100
Days to flowering 53-54
Plant height (cm) 135-170
Head Diameter (cm) 12-18
100 seed weight (g) 4.0-5.0