- Release of funds to Linseed centres under AICRP for the year 2016-17
- Sunflower & Safflower and Castor funds release towards 1st half for the year 2016-17
- Sesame & Niger first half funds release for the year 2016-17
- Linseed (second lot) funds release for the year 2016-17
- Koenjhar (Linseed) funds released for the year 2016-17
- Sunflower, Safflower & Castor funder release (2nd lot) for the year 2016-17
- S&N (2nd lot) funds released for the year 2016-17
- Sunflower, Safflower & Castor funder release (3rd lot) for the year 2016-17
- S&N (3rd lot) funds released for the year 2016
- TSP releases to Nimpith, Yethapur and Palem under (SSC) for the year 2016
- Linseed (4th lot) funds released for the year 2016-17
- Linseed (5th Lot release of funds under AICRP for the year 2016-17
- 4th Lot release of AICRP on S&N for the year 2016-17
- Oilseeds 4th lot release P7A only towards 2nd half grants for the year 2016-17
- Second half/final release of funds under AICRP(Sunflower) for the year 2016-17
- Second half/final release of funds under AICRP(Safflower) for the year 2016-17
- Final release of funds in respect of TSP under AICRP (Sunflower, Safflower and Castor) for the year 2016-17
- Final Second half release of funds under AICRP (CASTOR) for the year 2016-17
- Sesame & Niger Final/Second half release for 2016-17
- Final/Second half release of funds under AICRP (Linseed) for the year 2016-17
- TSP(Oilseeds) final release for the year 2016-17
- Released of funds under Need Based Research (Castor) for the year 2016-17
- Released of funds under Need Based Research (Sunflower) for the year 2016-17
- Released of funds under Need Based Research (Safflower) for the year 2016-17