A rabi castor field day was organized on 9th January at Gangaapur village near Jadcherlaas a part of FLDs by AICRP Castor centre, RARS, Palem, PJTSAU, Telangana. The farmer Mr. C. Raghavaraohas to be complimented for an innovative way of growing castor hybrid ICH-66 supplied by ICAR-IIOR. Castor is introduced as an intercrop in one year old oil palm plantation in the month of October 2023. He also has included ash gourd, drumstick, marigold and lemon tree to fill up the gaps. Primary spike is already harvested while secondary spikes ranged from 2-6. Oil palm is maintained by drip irrigation followed by fertigation with required doses of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium along with sulphur under the guidance of Dr. R. Nalini, Agronomist, RARS, Palem. The farmer also has invested in digging up a farm pond for conservation of water.
Nearly 50 farmers from surrounding villages interacted with the dignitaries viz., Dr. Mallareddy, ADR, Dr. Vanisree, PS, Oilseeds from RARS Palem, Dr. C. Lavanya, PS & PI, AICRP, Castor, Dr. G. Suresh, Head, Crop Production from ICAR-IIOR, Dr. BharathBhushan, Yeruvakacentre Coordinator, Mr. Gopinath, State Agriculture Department along with scientists from AICRP Castor Centre-Dr. K. Sadaiah, Dr. IswarReddi, Dr. Divya Rani etc along with progressive farmers like JanardhanReddi and AnanthaReddi. Demonstration of a successful crop of ICH-66, a high yielding, wilt and leafhopper resistant hybrid in rabi season as an intercrop in a perennial crop like oil palm will definitely contribute to revive castor cultivation in traditional castor belt of Telanagana.