Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India- 500030
Developed mobile applications .
• IIOR at a Glance
• ICAR IIOR Castor
• ICAR IIOR Sunflower
• ICAR IIOR Safflower
• ICAR IIOR Sesame
• ICAR IIOR Seed Production Castor
• ICAR IIOR Seed Production Sunflower
• ICAR IIOR Seed Production Safflower
• ICAR IIOR Sesame Seed Production
• ICAR IIOR Biocontrol
- ICT mediated knowledge management and dissemination in different oilseed crops
- Collection, Characterization, Maintenance, Evaluation and Utilization of Germplasm
- Interactive Kiosk for dissemination of Sunflower, Safflower and Castor technologies
- Multimedia based crop information systems in castor, sunflower and safflower.
- Determination of size and shape of plots in castor, sunflower and safflower
107-16: ICT mediated knowledge management and dissemination in different oilseed crops (PI)
107-17 : On-farm demonstrations of improved technologies and impact assessment of the adoption (Co-PI)
Farmers First Programme: Competitive oilseeds production technologies for improving profitability and socio-economic conditions of small holders in rainfed oilseeds production system of Telangana.(Co-PI)
- Attended online training programme on “Applications of Artificial Intelligence and cloud computing in Agriculture” during March 15-20, 2021, organized by NAARM
- Attended online training programme on “Creating Programming of web & Mobile Applications using Low-code Platforms”, during July 7-11, 2021, organized by NAARM
- Attended ten days training programme on “Big Data Analytics in Agriculture” from 13-22, June 2016 at NAARM.
- Attended one day training programme on “Implementation of E-Procurement through CPP Portal” on 26.04.2016 at NAARM, Hyderabad.
- Capacity development program on “Appropriate Technologies and Innovative Approaches for Agriculture knowledge sharing-II” from September 1-4, 2014 at ICRISAT
- Attended 14 days training programme on “Applications of Geo-informatics and Crop Simulation Models in Agricultural Management” at NAARM, Hyderabad from March 13-26, 2012
- Attended 7 days training programme on “Data Analysis using SAS” at NAARM, Hyderabad from September 15-21st , 2010
- Attended one day workshop on ICT with human values on 23rd September, 2010 at NIRD, Hyderabad.
- Attended 15 days training programme under Capacity building – Agroweb Project at CRIDA on PHP, MySql, Basics of Joomla and Moodle from February 16th to March 4th, 2009.
- Attended 21 days training programme “Data Mining in Agriculture” at IASRI, New Delhi from November 4-24th , 2008
- Attended one day workshop on Interactive Web designing organized by Directorate of information and publications in Agriculture at PDP, Hyderabad on September 1st 2007.
- Attended one day workshop on “Data analysis and data mining” organized by SORM and NAARM on February 26th, 2007 at NAARM.
- Attended a training programme on “Internet based information systems in Agriculture ” conducted by NAARM, Hyderabad from November 11-20, 2003.
- Attended training programme on “Advanced web design “ conducted by NAARM from March 24-29, 2003.
- Attended a training programme on “Web publishing and information products and services” conducted by National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad from September 2-7, 2002.
- P Madhuri, N Mukta, K Anjani, P Padmavathi, P S Srinivas, R D Prasad and S V Ramana Rao : Mobile application for safflower technology transfer. Journal of Oilseeds Research 37(Special issue) : 245-247, Feb,2020
- P.Madhuri, C.Lavanya, G.Suresh, P.Duraimurugan, M.Santhalakshmi Prasad and A.Vishnuvardhan Reddy : Development of mobile App for effective dissemination of information on castor. Journal of Oilseeds Research 35(3) : 219-225, Sept, 2018.
- P.D Sreekanth and P.Madhuri, 2017 Rice bran oil, a hitherto untapped source to meet the edible oil deficit in India. Journal of Oilseeds Research, 34(3) : 187-190
- M.Y. Dudhe, A.B. Rajguru, K.D. Bhoite and P. Madhuri, 2017. Genetic evaluation and identification of stable sunflower genotypes under semi-arid dryland conditions of Telangana and Maharashtra state. SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics 49 (1) 83-93, 2017
- M. Santha Lakshmi Prasad, K. Sujatha, N. Naresh, S.V. Ramana Rao, S. Chander Rao and P. Madhuri. 2015. Seed treatment and foliar application of fungicides for the management of Sunflower leaf blight. Indian Journal of Plant Protection.43 (2):208-213.
- P.Madhuri, K.Alivelu, S.V.Ramana Rao, M.Padmaiah and C.Sarada (2013) Databases, Data Warehousing, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Information and Knowledge Management Tools, Techniques and Practices. New India Publishing agency, New Delhi-110034 pp: 281-297
- K.Alivelu, C.Sarada, P.Madhuri, G.D.Satish Kumar, M.Padmaiah, P.Lakshmamma and P.Padmavathi (2013) Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom in Information and Knowledge Management Tools, Techniques and Practices”. New India Publishing agency, New Delhi-110034 pp:1-11
- Ramana Rao S.V, Madhuri P, Jyothirmai U.L, and Sarala Kumari Y.(2002) Information Technology – Driving force in Agricultural marketing and storage in Rural Godowns and storage system in India – A CRITICAL REVIEW.
- N.Mukta, Praduman Yadav, R.D.Prasad, P.S.Srinivas, P.Madhuri, P.Kadirvel, P.Padmavathi, I.Y.L.N.Murthy, K.Alivelu, H.P.Meena and A.Vishnuvardhan Reddy, 2017 : Promising Trait Specific Safflower Germplasm
- M.Padmaiah, K.Alivelu, P.Madhuri, C.Sarada, I.Y.L.N.Murthy, M.V.S.Prasad, M.Santha Lakshmi Prasad and Lakshmi Prayaga(2015) “Handbook on Technologies for Oilseeds Production in Andhra Pradesh”.
- M.Padmaiah, K.Alivelu, P.Madhuri, C.Sarada, P.Duraimurugan, I.Y.L.N.Murthy, M.V.S.Prasad and P.Lakshmamma(2015) “Handbook on Technologies for Oilseeds Production in Telangana”.
Extension Folders :
- G.D.S.Kumar, G.Suresh, H.Basappa, S.Chander Rao, P.Madhuri, K.Alivelu and S.V.Ramana Rao. (2017). Proddutirugudu Yajamanya Paddathulu. (Telugu) Ref : Extension folder-13
- G.D.S.Kumar, G.Suresh, H.Basappa, S.Chander Rao, H.P.Meena, Praduman Yadav and P.Madhuri. (2017). Surajmukhi (Hindi). Ref: Extension folder-16
- G.D.S.Kumar, G.Suresh, H.Basappa, S.Chander Rao, P.Madhuri, and M.Padmaiah. (2017). Sunflower Management Practices.(English). Ref: Extension folder-10
Web designing, Database development
Multimedia information systems and web designing
Fellow of Indian society of Oilseeds Research (ISOR),Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Telangana
Web designing, Database development, Mobile applications
Fellow of Indian society of Oilseeds Research (ISOR),Rajendranagr, Hyderabad, Telangana