Principal Scientist, Agricultural Statistics
Educational qualification
M.Sc(Ag) Ph.D Agricultural Statistics
Social Sciences
Contact Address
Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India- 500030
Tel No
Projects completed
- Statistical techniques for simultaneous selection of cultivars for yield and stability (PI)
- Core development of safflower germplasm accessions (PI)
- Development of pedigree information system for mandate crops (PI)
- Development of Agro Ecological Situation Specific Cropping System Oriented Technologies for Different Oilseed Crops (Co-PI)
- Assesing Saflower Based Cropping Systems Productivity and Resource Use Efficiency under Different Land Configurations Crop Geometry and IPNM in Different Vortisol Types and Rainfall Patterns (Co-PI)
On-going Projects
- Development of models to predict yield responses to climate change in oilseed crops (PI)
- Analysis of yield gaps and developing suitable extension strategies for reducing yield gaps in oilseeds (Co-PI)
- Competitive Oilseeds Production Technologies for improving profitability and socio economic conditions of small holders in rainfed oilseeds production system of Telangana (Co-PI)
- Development of high throughput protocol to detect adulteration in oils and formulation of oil blends for enhanced nutritional quality and stability (Co-PI)
Trainings undertaken (National & International)
- Quantitative Methods for Social Sciences June 1 to June 23 2020
- Training Programme on Science and Technology for Rural Societies for Women
- Scientists & Technologists from 4/1/21 to 8/2/21
- Analysis of Multi-Location Experiments from 28-10-2021 to 30-10-2021
Recent Publications (best papers in past 5 years )
- Lakshmamma P, Lakshmi Prayaga, Alivelu K and Vishnuvardhan Reddy A (2021). Drought tolerant and physiologically efficient genetic resources for rainfed castor. Journal of Oilseeds Research, 38 (2): 187-194
- K Alivelu, P Padmavathi and C Sarada. Efficiency of alpha lattice design in crop evaluation trials. J. Oilseeds Res., Vol. 37 (Special Issue), 14-15 (Feb., 2020)
- K.Alivelu, P.Padmavathi, C.Sarada, P.Lakshmamma. and M. Santha Lakshmi (2016). Safflower Yield Forecasting in India – An application of Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Model. J.Oilseeds res., 33 (1: 68-71)
- M. Santha Lakshmi Prasad, M. Sujatha, K. Alivelu and K. Sujatha. (2016) Sources of resistance to Alternariaster leaf blight in sunflower pre-breeding lines derived from interspecific crosses and wild Helianthus species. Crop protection.92. 70-78
- Hand book on technologies for oilseeds in Andhra Pradesh by M.Padmaiah, K.Alivelu, P.Madhuri, C.Sarada, I.Y.L.N.Murthy, M.V.Prasad, M. Santhalakshmi Prasad and Lakshmi Prayaga (2015)
- Hand book on technologies for oilseeds in Telangana by M.Padmaiah, K.Alivelu, P.Madhuri, C.Sarada, I.Y.L.N.Murthy, P. Duraimurugan, M.V.Prasad and Lakshmamma(2015)
- Hand book on technologies for oilseeds in Maharastra by P.Padmavathi, K.Alivelu, R.D.Prasad, P.Duraimurugan (2015)
- K. Alivelu, P. Padmavathi, P. S. Srinivas, R. D. Prasad, K. Anjani, N. Mukta, G. D Satish Kuamr, C.Sarada and S.V.Ramana Rao (2018). Kusuma.Yajamanya Paddathulu (Telugu) Ref : Extension folder-21
- K. Alivelu, P. Padmavathi, P. S. Srinivas, R. D. Prasad, K. Anjani, N. Mukta, G. D Satish Kuamr, C.Sarada and S.V.Ramana Rao (2017). Safflower management practices.(English) Ref : Extension folder-11
- K. Alivelu, P. Padmavathi, P. S. Srinivas, R. D. Prasad, K. Anjani, N. Mukta, G. D Satish Kumar and S.V.Ramana Rao (2017). Kusum(Hindi). Ref : Vistharapatrika-17
Area of expertise
- Forecasting techniques and Statistical Modeling
- Stability models
- Design of Experiments
- Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Awards and recognition
Best paper awards: on IIOR Foundation day for
- L.Parvathaneni, L. Prayaga and Alivelu Karusala (2017) Selection of castor germplasm with important traits for drought tolerance under field conditions. Indian Journal of plant physiology. 22 (3), 295-303
- M. Santha Lakshmi Prasad, M. Sujatha, K. Alivelu and K. Sujatha. (2016) Sources of resistance to Alternariaster leaf blight in sunflower pre-breeding lines derived from interspecific crosses and wild Helianthus species. Crop protection.92. 70-78
- Usha Kiran. B, Mukta.N, Kadirvel Palchamy, Alivelu. K, Senthilvel. S, Kishore. P, Varaprasad. K.S (2015) Plant genetic resources, Microsatellite markers, Genetic relationships, Genetic diversity, population structure and linkage disequilibrium in a core subset of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) germplasm as revealed by SSR markers. PGR 15-012—20:19.
Areas of Interest
- Forecasting techniques and statistical modelling
- Stability models
- Design of experiments
- Multivariate statistical analysis