Year of release | 2018 |
Notified vide S.O. No. & date : | 1379(E), 27-3-2018 |
Released at Central or State level | Central |
Developed by | Oilseeds Research Station, SDAU, S.K.Nagar, Gujarat |
Pedigree / type of material | JP-96 x DCS-89 |
Recommended states | All castor growing states of India |
Recommended ecology | Irrigated and rainfed conditions |
Duration | Medium |
Days to maturity for first picking | 95-105 DAS |
Growth habit | Medium |
Mean seed yield (kg/ha) | 1895 (Rainfed) 3588 (Irrigated) |
Days to 50% flowering | 55-60 |
Plant height upto base of primary(cm) | 80-85 |
Number of nodes to primary raceme | 14-17 |
100 seed weight(g) | 33.0 |
Oil content(%) | 48.1 |
Special features | Resistant to wilt, tolerant to root rot |
Source of seed | Castor-Mustard Research Station, Sardarkrushinagar, Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar, Gujarat-385 506 |