Surya (PKV-SUF-72-37)

Sunflower variety Surya
Year of release 1982
Notification number 499(E), 08-07-1983
Developed by AICRP (Sunflower) centre
Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vishwa
Vidyalaya, Akola
Pedigree Mass selection from Latur Bulk
Areas of Adaptation /
Recommended ecology
Seed yield (kg/ha)
Average 1000-1200
Potential 1500-1800
Oil Content(%) 35-38
Days to maturity
Kharif 90-95
Rabi 95-100
Days to flowering
Kharif 52-55
Rabi 55-60
Plant height (cm) 135-155
Head Diameter (cm) 14-18
100 seed weight (g) 6-7
Hull content (%) 32-35